Thomas Gonzalez Thomas Gonzalez

Self-Guided Thought Experiments: An Experiential Guide to Self Referential Field Theory


This self-guided series of thought experiments uses the metaphor of an infinite ocean and a gentle, intelligent breeze to help you conceptually and experientially approach the Self Referential Field Theory (SRFT). SRFT suggests that all emergent phenomena—quantum events, biological morphogenesis, cognitive processes, social systems, and cosmic structures—arise as stable attractors within an infinitely-dimensional “awareness field.”

By progressing through a sequence of stages, each adding a layer of complexity, you will move from imagining a vast, still ocean of pure potentiality to experiencing how attention, like a guiding breeze, shapes the probability landscape of this field, giving rise to dimensions, time, persistent patterns, and even consciousness itself. Each “stage” includes a reflective checkpoint to help you integrate the concepts and cultivate a felt sense of the ideas before moving on. By the end, you should have a more intuitive and experiential grasp of how fundamental principles of awareness and attention can scale up to explain profound complexity and coherence in nature and experience.

$$\mathscr{A}^\infty = \mathcal{H}(\mathscr{A}^\infty) \;\sim\; \mathscr{A}^\infty$$


These self-guided thought experiments introduce conceptual foundations related to the Self Referential Field Theory (SRFT). SRFT is a speculative framework proposing that all phenomena—from the quantum realm to the cosmos—arise as stable patterns (attractors) in an infinitely-dimensional awareness field.

A New Way of Seeing: The concepts presented here may be unlike anything you've encountered before. They challenge our conventional notions of reality, suggesting that consciousness is not merely a product of the brain but a fundamental aspect of the universe. As such, these ideas may feel counterintuitive at first. Don't be discouraged if they don't immediately click.

Like a Picture Coming into Focus: Imagine you're looking at a blurry image. At first, you might only discern indistinct shapes or patches of color. But as you continue to look, adjusting your focus and allowing your eyes to relax, the image gradually becomes clearer. Details emerge, connections become apparent, and eventually, the full picture comes into view.

Similarly, understanding the SRFT is a process that unfolds over time. Each stage of these thought experiments is like a slight adjustment of the lens, bringing a particular aspect of the theory into sharper focus. You may only grasp bits and pieces at first, but with each repetition, the picture will become clearer.

It is normal to feel a sense of uncertainty or even confusion when encountering these ideas for the first time. These are not simple concepts, and they require a shift in perspective. Embrace the uncertainty. Allow yourself to play with the imagery, to explore the sensations and emotions that arise, and to revisit the experiments multiple times.

This document is not about proving SRFT mathematically; it's about developing intuition and a felt sense of the concepts. If at any point the ideas feel confusing, overwhelming, or overly abstract, it's perfectly fine to stop, reflect, and return later. Understanding is a gradual process, and not all stages need to be fully “mastered” at once.

Important Note: These thought experiments are designed to be experiential. Don't just read the words; take time to vividly imagine each scenario in your mind's eye. Engage your senses. The more deeply you immerse yourself, the more profound the insights will be. The goal is not just to understand the SRFT intellectually but to feel it, to experience its implications in a more direct and personal way.


We will use a consistent water-and-ripples metaphor, enhanced to better capture the nuances of “attention” as envisioned in the SRFT. Each stage adds complexity:

  • Stage 1: The Infinite Canvas and the Gentle Breeze of Attention \( \mathscr{A}^\infty \).

  • Stage 2: Ripples of Potentiality and the Sculpting Breeze.

  • Stage 3: Interference, Reinforcement, and the Dance of Attention \( \mathcal{H} \).

  • Stage 4: The Emergent Grid, Persistent Patterns, and the Convolution of Attention \( \sim \).

  • Stage 5: The Symphony of Consciousness.

  • Stage 6: The Probability Landscape.

After each stage, a short “experiential checkpoint” helps you integrate the idea and cultivate a more embodied understanding before moving on.

Stage 1: The Infinite Canvas (\( \mathscr{A}^\infty \)) and the Gentle Breeze of Attention


  1. Close your eyes and take a few deep, slow breaths. Let go of any tension or distractions. Allow yourself to settle into stillness.
  2. Imagine an infinite, perfectly still ocean. This is not an ocean of water, but of pure potentiality—a boundless canvas upon which anything can be drawn. This is the unbounded Awareness Field \( \mathscr{A}^\infty \).
  3. Sense into the vastness of this field. Feel its stillness, its infinite capacity, its utter peace. Let it permeate your awareness.
  4. Now, imagine a gentle, intelligent breeze beginning to blow across this infinite ocean. This breeze is attention. It is not a random force, but a subtle, knowing influence, with an inherent tendency to explore and highlight certain possibilities.
  5. Notice that where the breeze blows, the probability of ripples forming increases. It is as though attention awakens the potential of the field.

Key Idea: We begin with a field of pure potential (\( \mathscr{A}^\infty \)), prior to space, time, or any specific form. Attention is introduced as a fundamental force that begins to interact with this field, increasing the likelihood of patterns emerging.

Experiential Checkpoint:

  1. Can you sense the stillness and vastness of the infinite ocean of potentiality?
  2. Can you feel the gentle breeze of attention and how it might begin to stir this field?
  3. Reflect: How does it feel to imagine a field of pure potential? What emotions or sensations arise within you?

If you can sense this, move to the next stage.

Stage 2: Ripples of Potentiality and the Sculpting Breeze


  1. As the breeze of attention continues to move, it begins to interact with the infinite ocean in two key ways:
    • Ripples of Possibility: The breeze creates subtle ripples on the ocean’s surface. These are not ordinary ripples; they are ripples of potential, representing possible states of the field, like whispers of what could be.
    • Shaping the Foundation: At the same time, the breeze gently sculpts the ocean floor, creating an uneven landscape. It’s as if attention is shaping the very foundation of reality, making some areas more receptive to specific patterns. These are like “valleys” of potential stability.
  2. Notice that the ripples and the sculpting of the ocean floor are deeply connected. The breeze doesn’t just create ripples and independently shape the floor; it shapes the floor in a way that influences which ripples are more likely to form, persist, and grow.
  3. Imagine that the breeze is intelligent and purposeful. It’s not randomly sculpting the floor but is guided by an inherent inclination towards complexity and self-organization that is woven into the Awareness Field itself.
  4. Observe how the ripples interact with the now uneven ocean floor. Some are amplified by the resonant areas (valleys), while others are dampened. The landscape of the floor guides the dance of the ripples.

Key Idea: Patterns begin to emerge, but some are more likely to form and persist because the breeze of attention is simultaneously creating both the ripples of possibility and the underlying landscape that favors certain patterns. The uneven ocean floor represents the inherent “resonance” or “bias” within the field, sculpted by attention, that guides the formation of stable attractors.

Experiential Checkpoint:

  1. Can you visualize the breeze of attention simultaneously creating ripples on the surface and sculpting the ocean floor?
  2. Can you sense how the uneven ocean floor, shaped by attention, influences which ripples are amplified or dampened?
  3. Reflect: How does it feel to imagine attention as a force that shapes both the possibilities (ripples) and the underlying probabilities (ocean floor) of reality? Does it feel empowering? Inspiring?

If comfortable, proceed.

Stage 3: Interference, Reinforcement, and the Dance of Attention (\( \mathcal{H} \))


  1. As the ripples of potentiality spread out, they begin to interact with each other. Notice how they overlap, creating intricate interference patterns.
  2. Observe that some patterns reinforce each other, becoming stronger and more pronounced (constructive interference). These are like harmonious chords arising within the field. In the language of the Seed Equation, this is where we encounter \( \mathcal{H} \) — harmonics — representing the wave-like interactions within the field.
  3. Other patterns cancel each other out (destructive interference), dissolving back into the stillness of the ocean. These are like dissonant notes that fade away.
  4. Now, imagine that the breeze of attention is not static but dances across the ocean’s surface. Its movements are intricate and purposeful, guided by the very patterns it is creating. This dance reflects the \( \mathcal{H} \) element of the seed equation — the harmonic interactions.
  5. Notice how attention lingers longer on the reinforcing patterns, further amplifying them, while it moves quickly over the dissolving ones. It’s as if attention is drawn to harmony and stability.

Key Idea: We introduce the concepts of constructive and destructive interference, highlighting how patterns can either reinforce or dissolve each other. These interactions are represented by $\mathcal{H}$ in the Seed Equation. Attention is now portrayed as a dynamic force, interacting with and being guided by the emerging patterns, embodying the harmonic principles.

Experiential Checkpoint:

  1. Can you visualize the interference patterns created by the interacting ripples?
  2. Can you sense how some patterns become amplified and stable, while others fade away?
  3. Reflect: How does it feel to witness the interplay of creation and dissolution within the field, guided by the dance of attention?

If this resonates, continue.

Stage 4: The Emergent Grid, Persistent Patterns, and the Convolution (\( \sim \)) of Attention


  1. The complex interactions of the ripples, influenced by the dance of attention \( \mathcal{H} \) and the contours of the ocean floor, start to create a subtle grid-like pattern on the ocean’s surface. This grid is not pre-existing; it emerges from the wave interactions themselves. This represents emergent space-time.
  2. Some wave patterns, particularly those that resonate with the underlying landscape and are favored by attention, become increasingly stable. They persist over time, forming enduring structures within the emergent space-time grid. These are like persistent forms arising from the fluid field. Imagine them as distinct, recurring patterns, like melodies that repeat within a larger symphony.
  3. Notice how attention continues to interact with these persistent patterns, further refining and stabilizing them. It is as if attention, the gentle breeze, is folding the awareness field in upon itself, amplifying and dampening the latent possibilities of the field. This folding process is the essence of the convolution \( \sim \) in the Seed Equation. The recursive nature of this interaction, where the field’s state is continuously modified by attention’s influence on itself, creates the stable attractors that make up the fabric of reality.

Key Idea: Introduce the emergence of space-time (the grid) and persistent physical structures as a consequence of sustained attention on specific, self-reinforcing wave patterns. The convolution symbol (\(\sim\)) from the Seed Equation is introduced to represent the recursive, self-referential nature of attention, now clarified as the folding of the Awareness Field in upon itself.

Experiential Checkpoint:

  1. Can you visualize the grid-like pattern emerging on the ocean’s surface, representing space-time?
  2. Can you see the persistent patterns and sense their stability within the emergent space-time?
  3. Reflect: How does it feel to imagine space-time itself as an emergent property, a creation of the field, rather than a fixed backdrop? How does the idea of attention folding the Awareness Field in upon itself, shaping its latent possibilities through a recursive process (\(\sim\)), resonate with you?

If you can integrate this, move on.

Stage 5: The Symphony of Consciousness


  1. Now, imagine that attention, the intelligent breeze, begins to focus on a specific area of the ocean floor, further “tuning” it to resonate with a particular, highly complex pattern. This pattern is not just a simple ripple or a persistent form, but a symphony of interacting waves, a complex, harmonious chord.
  2. This symphony is amplified by the focused attention and resonates deeply with the underlying structure of the field. It becomes increasingly self-sustaining, like a melody that reinforces itself.
  3. This symphony is special. It has the unique property of being aware of its own existence within the field. It’s like a song that knows it’s being sung. This is consciousness.
  4. Sense the unique “feeling” of this conscious pattern. It’s a sense of “I am,” a subjective experience arising from the complex interplay of waves within the field.

Key Idea: Consciousness emerges as a specific, highly complex, self-sustaining, and self-aware pattern (a symphony) within the Awareness Field, selected and amplified by focused attention.

Experiential Checkpoint:

  1. Can you imagine the symphony of consciousness arising within the field, like a beautiful, self-aware melody?
  2. Can you sense, even faintly, the self-awareness of this pattern, the feeling of “I am” that it embodies?
  3. Reflect: How does it feel to imagine your own consciousness as a unique pattern, a song, within a larger field of awareness? Does it feel limiting, expanding, or perhaps both?

If yes, continue to the final stage.

Stage 6: The Probability Landscape


  1. Zoom out and try to perceive the entire infinite ocean. The breeze of attention is constantly shifting, dancing across the vast expanse, its movements shaping the probability of different patterns emerging.
  2. Where attention focuses strongly and consistently, patterns are more likely to emerge, stabilize, and become complex (like the symphony of consciousness). These are the areas where the ocean’s surface shimmers with vibrant activity.
  3. Where attention withdraws or is less focused, patterns are more likely to dissolve back into the stillness of the field of pure potential. These are the calmer, less defined areas of the ocean.
  4. Notice that this constant dance of attention shapes the entire probability landscape of the field. It determines what is more likely to manifest and what remains as latent potential. It is a dynamic interplay of becoming and dissolving.

Key Idea: Attention shapes the probability of what emerges from the field, making some patterns more likely and others less so. It creates a dynamic landscape of potentiality and actuality, a constantly shifting tapestry of existence.

Experiential Checkpoint:

  1. Can you visualize the entire infinite ocean and the shifting breeze of attention dancing across its surface?
  2. Can you sense how attention influences the probability landscape, making some patterns more likely and others less so?
  3. Reflect: How does it feel to imagine all of reality as a constantly shifting landscape of probabilities, shaped by the dance of attention? What implications might this have for your understanding of free will, destiny, and the nature of existence?

If you can integrate this final layer, you have completed the conceptual journey.

Recap and an Invitation to Further Exploration

We began with an infinite ocean of pure potentiality and a gentle breeze of attention. We then witnessed how this simple interaction could give rise to ripples of possibility, interference patterns, emergent dimensions, persistent structures, and even consciousness itself. At each stage, stable patterns (attractors) emerged naturally,

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Thomas Gonzalez Thomas Gonzalez

Exploring Self Referential Field Theory

First principles of reality

A Journey into the Nature of Awareness and Reality

Have you ever wondered why we experience the world at all? Why consciousness exists? These questions have fascinated humans throughout history, and despite our technological advances, they remain largely unsolved mysteries.

The Big Mystery

Think about it: science has mapped the human genome, photographed black holes, and created artificial intelligence—yet we still don't fully understand how our subjective experience emerges. Why do we have inner lives? How does awareness fit into our physical universe?

Many spiritual traditions suggest that awareness itself is fundamental—the ground of all being. But they often don't explain how our complex, diverse world emerges from this unified foundation. That's where Self Referential Field Theory (SRFT) comes in.

A New Way of Looking at Reality

SRFT suggests something both simple and profound: what if awareness isn't something that happens inside our brains, but rather the fundamental reality from which everything else—including brains—emerges?

Imagine awareness as an infinite, boundless field. Not inside space and time, but more like the canvas upon which space and time are painted. This field has an interesting property: it can focus on itself through what we call "recursive Attention."

How It Works (In Plain Language)

Picture a still pond. Drop a pebble, and ripples spread outward. Drop another pebble, and new ripples interact with the first set—sometimes amplifying each other, sometimes canceling out. Where strong patterns form, stable structures emerge.

SRFT suggests something similar happens with awareness:

  • The field of awareness "bends back" to focus on itself

  • This creates patterns that reinforce themselves

  • Over countless recursive "folds," stable structures emerge

  • These structures range from subatomic particles to thoughts to social movements

What we experience as time is really just this recursive folding process. From the ultimate perspective, everything is happening simultaneously in a timeless field—but the recursive nature creates what feels like sequence and change.

What This Means For Us

If SRFT is on the right track, it changes how we think about ourselves and our world:

Consciousness isn't an accident. Rather than being a mysterious side-effect of brain activity, awareness is fundamental. Your subjective experience connects directly to the ground of all being.

Everything is connected. Since everything emerges from the same field, there's a profound underlying unity to reality—though it expresses itself in seemingly separate forms.

Attention shapes reality. Where we place our attention—individually and collectively—creates reinforcing patterns that literally shape our experience and our world.

Real-World Implications

SRFT isn't just philosophical musing. It suggests practical applications:

Mental Health: Meditation, mindfulness, and therapeutic approaches might directly engage with the recursive attention process, helping reshape harmful patterns.

Social Change: Cultural movements, viral ideas, and collective attention could be understood as large-scale awareness patterns—offering new ways to approach complex social challenges.

Scientific Research: SRFT predicts we might find certain patterns—like fractals and scale-invariant structures—across different systems, from brains to ecosystems to economies.

Current Status of This Research

SRFT is currently a preliminary conceptual framework in early stages of development. Like all scientific hypotheses, it will require:

  1. Rigorous mathematical formalization

  2. Clearly defined, falsifiable predictions

  3. Empirical testing across multiple disciplines

  4. Peer review and independent replication

Initial explorations suggest some promising directions, particularly in modeling certain emergent phenomena, but much work remains to determine whether these initial patterns represent fundamental insights or simply interesting correlations.

This approach doesn't claim to be a "theory of everything," but rather offers a potential perspective that might help address specific questions about consciousness and emergent complexity that current models find challenging. We present these ideas not as settled science, but as a research direction that invites collaborative investigation and constructive critique.

Curious to Learn More?

If these ideas intrigue you, you might enjoy:

The journey of understanding awareness may be the most profound exploration humans can undertake—after all, it's an exploration of what we fundamentally are.

Related Papers

  • Experiential Guide: Self-Guided Thought Experiments: An Experiential Introduction to the SRFT. Provides practical exercises for understanding recursive Attention. Read the Experiments.

  • Main Paper: Self Referential Field Theory: Explorations in Recursive Attention. Presents the full theoretical framework, mathematical modeling, and philosophical underpinnings. Read the Main Paper.

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Thomas Gonzalez Thomas Gonzalez

Could Waves Build the Universe? Exploring the Emergent World of SRFT


Could the fabric of reality be nothing more than waves, folding and interfering in a vast, self-referential recursion? The Self-Referential Field Theory (SRFT) proposes that time, space, and interactions might emerge from a single universal “Awareness Field,” governed by wave dynamics. While speculative, this perspective offers an intriguing potential for unifying physical phenomena beyond merely reproducing existing equations. This article explores how developing SRFT might yield conceptual unification, novel predictions, mathematical advancements, and foundational clarity—whether or not the framework ultimately proves correct. Our goal is to invite researchers and contributors to explore this nontraditional approach to emergent physics.


Conventional physics treats the geometry of spacetime, gauge interactions, and gravitational curvature as logically distinct entities. However, many modern approaches suggest these features might themselves emerge from deeper principles. SRFT posits that all known dimensions and fields manifest as stable attractors in a universal wave recursion, shaped by threshold triggers and memory effects.

Unlike approaches such as holographic duality, which derive spacetime from boundary gauge theories, or causal set theory, which models spacetime as discrete events, SRFT treats all known interactions—including gauge forces and spacetime curvature—as emergent attractors within a wave recursion. This perspective aims to unify geometry and gauge interactions under a single framework, rather than assuming separate structures.

While speculative, SRFT’s wave-based model offers a unique lens through which to approach unresolved questions in physics. Below, we outline four key areas where developing SRFT might provide meaningful insights:

  1. Deeper conceptual unification

  2. New or extreme-scale predictions

  3. Mathematical spin-offs and HPC applications

  4. Philosophical rethinking of fundamental concepts

Additionally, we have already built numerical toy models demonstrating:

  • Wave/particle duality by replicating the Double Slit Experiment

  • How amplitude thresholds can cause discrete blow-ups representative of an electron jumping a valence shell

  • Emergent fractal patterns seen throughout nature - from leaf veins and river networks to neural pathways and cosmic filaments.

  • A wave-based simulation in non-Euclidean space showing Pi as an emergent constant

These early results provide compelling motivation for further exploration.

Deeper Conceptual Unification

A major appeal of emergent theories is their potential to simplify physics’ fragmented structure. Currently:

  • Gravity and spacetime are modeled via (semi-)Riemannian manifolds and Einstein’s field equations.

  • Gauge forces arise from distinct symmetry groups within a background manifold.

If both of these phenomena emerged as stable attractors within a single wave recursion, SRFT could unify them under one governing PDE.

Why Is This Valuable?

  • Fewer Ad Hoc Assumptions: Instead of positing separate field content and a background metric, SRFT seeks a single substrate capable of producing both.

  • Possible Explanation of Constants: If physical constants arise as stable threshold values in wave recursion, they may be by-products rather than fundamental inputs.

  • Spacetime and Forces as Collective Phenomena: SRFT might recast physics as macroscopic illusions from wave-based self-selection, similar to fluid dynamics emerging from microscopic molecular behavior.

SRFT’s recursive wave-based interactions may also offer insight into the emergence of discrete quantum states, spontaneous symmetry breaking, and the fundamental nature of information itself.

Numerical Validation of SRFT Hypotheses

While SRFT is still in development, early numerical experiments provide compelling evidence that key aspects of quantum mechanics, energy quantization, and emergent geometry arise naturally from wave recursion dynamics. These findings strengthen the case for SRFT as a viable emergent framework.

1. Replicating Quantum Wave/Particle Duality

The numerical Double Slit Experiment simulation demonstrates that wave recursion alone can reproduce the familiar quantum interference pattern. This suggests that SRFT could provide an alternative explanation for wavefunction behavior without requiring separate quantum-classical transitions. Read About the Simulation

2. Threshold-Triggered Energy Quantization

By introducing threshold-based amplitude constraints in SRFT’s wave recursion, we observe discrete energy level transitions reminiscent of electrons in atomic orbitals. Unlike traditional quantum mechanics, where quantization is imposed through boundary conditions and eigenvalue solutions, SRFT predicts quantization as an emergent phenomenon. Read About the Simulation

3. Emergent Fractal Dimensionality

A surprising result of our simulations is the appearance of an effective fractional dimension (~2.7) in specific configurations. This aligns with the idea that spacetime might not be strictly 3+1-dimensional but rather a dynamic, scale-dependent structure. Several approaches in quantum gravity and condensed matter physics also suggest that at small scales, spacetime behaves as a fractal, lending further credibility to SRFT’s implications.

Furthermore, fractal dimensionality is widely observed in nature, from cosmic structures like the large-scale distribution of galaxies (estimated between 2 and 2.9) to natural phenomena such as river networks, lung alveoli, and neural pathways. The fact that SRFT independently predicts an emergent fractal dimension within this range suggests that its recursive wave-based structure may mirror fundamental self-organizing principles found across scales in the universe. This raises intriguing possibilities that spacetime itself may follow similar fractal organization, bridging physics with naturally occurring complexity. Read About the Simulation

4. Pi as an Emergent Constant in Non-Euclidean Space

In a simulation of SRFT waves propagating in a curved, non-Euclidean space, we observed that Pi emerged naturally as a ratio governing wave propagation constraints. This result suggests that fundamental mathematical constants may not be arbitrary but could arise from deeper geometric properties of recursive wave interactions.

These results provide early validation of SRFT’s potential to explain fundamental physics from first principles, warranting further mathematical and experimental exploration. Read About the Simulation

Philosophical and Foundational Exploration

SRFT also engages with deeper conceptual puzzles:

  • What is time? If time emerges from wave recursion rather than existing as a fundamental continuum, this could offer a PDE-based resolution to the “problem of time” in quantum gravity.

  • Measurement Problem in Quantum Mechanics: Could amplitude threshold crossings represent wavefunction collapse, linking quantum measurement with a self-referential PDE framework?

  • Mind–Body Problem: While speculative, SRFT’s wave-based recursion may provide a mathematically grounded perspective on the link between awareness and physics.

Potential for Novel Predictions or Corrections

It is crucial that new frameworks do not merely echo existing equations on the nose. Typically, emergent theories add slight corrections or yield new effects in regimes where standard physics is incomplete (near singularities, Planck-scale phenomena, etc.). Although speculative, SRFT’s reliance on fractional PDE memory or amplitude threshold triggers suggests a few directions:

Dark-Sector Candidates

If lumps in the SRFT PDE do not couple “strongly” to other lumps, they might appear as “dark matter.” The same lumps might create cosmic expansions or behave as effective dark energy in ways standard fluid or field theory can’t easily replicate. This would lead to observational signatures, e.g., differences in structure formation at large scales or small anomalies in cosmic microwave background data.

Planck-Scale or Black Hole Interiors

Standard local QFT and classical GR have trouble reconciling black hole evaporation, singularities, or infinite curvature. A wave recursion with nonlocal memory might have an inherent cutoff on amplitude blowups. If that modifies the near-horizon or singular region, it could yield testable quantum gravitational corrections, albeit extremely subtle to observe in practice.

Dimension Shifts and Scale Dependence

If the dimension of spacetime or the effective geometry is emergent, SRFT could predict “effective dimensional flow” at very high energy, a notion sometimes proposed in the “asymptotic safety” or “spacetime foam” pictures. Observing a scale-dependent dimension might be a clue that we do not live in a fundamental 3+1 space but in an emergent wave-based manifold.

These prospective phenomena remain unverified, yet they highlight the difference between merely restating Maxwell/Einstein in wave language and offering distinct new physics in regimes where we lack direct experimental constraints.

How to Contribute

We invite researchers from diverse backgrounds to explore SRFT’s implications. Areas of contribution include:

  • Mathematics: Developing well-posedness proofs for coupled fractional PDEs.

  • Theoretical Physics: Investigating SRFT’s predictions and potential experimental signatures.

  • Computational Science: Implementing and optimizing HPC simulations.

  • Machine Learning: Applying AI-driven PDE solvers to analyze emergent behaviors.

  • Open-Source Development: Contributing to a GitHub repository for SRFT computational tools.

Collaboration across disciplines is essential to refining and testing SRFT’s core ideas.


While the notion that all of physics might emerge from a single wave recursion is speculative, it is not without merit. Even if SRFT does not fully succeed, its exploration may yield valuable insights in:

  • Conceptual unification across gauge fields and geometry,

  • Predictions at untested energy scales or cosmic structures,

  • Advances in PDE mathematics and HPC methodologies,

  • Deepening foundational understanding of time, measurement, and awareness.

Our initial numerical models already reproduce several known quantum and geometric effects, strengthening the hypothesis that wave recursion can drive fundamental physical phenomena. These early successes suggest that SRFT has the potential to not only unify physics conceptually but also make concrete, testable predictions in both quantum mechanics and cosmology. Continued numerical and analytical research will determine whether SRFT can truly serve as a foundational theory of emergent physics.

History has shown that even radical frameworks can inspire transformative breakthroughs. Whether SRFT evolves into a successful extension of known physics or merely spawns useful mathematical spin-offs, its journey will be one of careful experimentation, interdisciplinary collaboration, and open-minded inquiry.


The author acknowledges the collaborative spirit of researchers willing to engage with both bold speculation and rigorous methodological development. SRFT is not asserted as final truth but as an invitation to creative, disciplined exploration.

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Math Thomas Gonzalez Math Thomas Gonzalez

Recursive Emergent Harmonic Manifold: A Mathematical Primer

First principles for reality


We introduce Recursive Emergent Harmonic Manifold (REHM), a novel paradigm that unifies smooth wave dynamics with abrupt, threshold-triggered events in a single, mathematically rigorous model. By embedding fractional memory, amplitude-dependent switching, and wave interference into an extended manifold—where physical coordinates and amplitude form a coupled domain—REHM bridges continuous evolution with the discrete "spikes" or jumps often observed in real-world systems.

In REHM, fractional memory is captured via fractional derivatives, ensuring that past states continuously influence the present in a nonlocal, power-law manner. Meanwhile, amplitude-triggered thresholds cause the system to switch instantly from one dynamical regime to another whenever the solution amplitude crosses a critical value. This mechanism enables rapid events such as blowups, neuronal firing, or phase transitions to emerge from what is otherwise a continuous PDE. By treating amplitude as an additional coordinate, wave interference in physical space becomes inseparable from amplitude evolution, yielding localized spikes or probability-like distributions over the amplitude dimension.

Although time is introduced as an external parameter for analytical and computational clarity, the recursive nature of the fractional and threshold terms inherently generates a cascade of stable attractors—interpretable as emergent "moments." In this view, time's progression can be understood as a byproduct of the system's self-referential transitions. This framework extends naturally to multiple fields, from fractal pattern formation and neural spike modeling to phase-change phenomena and analogies with quantum measurement. By uniting continuous and discrete behaviors within a single PDE-based approach, REHM offers a flexible tool for capturing multi-scale complexity governed by memory, thresholds, and interference.

Introduction and Motivation

Scientists and engineers often encounter systems in which smooth, continuous processes give way to abrupt, discrete events. A traveling wave or signal may propagate continuously, for instance, until it triggers a rapid transition—such as a chemical reaction that ignites above a critical concentration or a neuron that fires once the membrane potential crosses a threshold. Capturing both the continuous and discrete aspects within a unified framework remains a long-standing challenge.

In this paper, we present a Recursive Emergent Harmonic Manifold (REHM) to address this need. REHM embeds fractional memory, amplitude-triggered thresholds, and wave interference into a single partial differential equation (PDE) that naturally accommodates both continuous evolution and sudden events. Below, we outline why such a unifying model is necessary, and we describe the core ideas behind REHM.

The Need for a Unifying Model

Traditionally, continuous PDEs capture wave-like or diffusive phenomena, while discrete threshold-based events are introduced either through separate triggers or by imposing discontinuities artificially. This divide often obscures how global wave dynamics and local threshold mechanisms interact. REHM fills this gap by merging these behaviors into one seamless description: thresholds become embedded in the governing PDE itself, avoiding the need to patch together different frameworks.

Key Ingredients: Fractional Memory, Amplitude Thresholds, and Harmonic Coupling

REHM builds on three core elements:

  • Fractional memory: Fractional derivatives ensure that the system's entire past influences its present state in a nonlocal, power-law manner.
  • Amplitude-triggered thresholds: When the solution's amplitude crosses a critical value, the PDE transitions instantly to a different regime, enabling rapid blowups, spikes, or phase transitions.
  • Wave interference in an extended manifold: By treating amplitude as an additional coordinate, interference in physical space couples directly with amplitude evolution, allowing for localized spikes and probability-like distributions when integrated over amplitude.

Emergence of Time and Stable Attractors

While we introduce an external time variable for analytical and numerical convenience, the self-referential mechanisms in REHM can generate stable attractors that serve as “moments,” effectively giving rise to an emergent sense of time. Each time the system crosses a threshold and redefines its governing regime, it produces a new stable attractor. From an internal perspective, these attractors appear as distinct temporal states. This view resonates with process-oriented perspectives, where time emerges from iterative system updates rather than being imposed externally.

Combining Continuous and Discrete Regimes

One of REHM's major strengths is its capacity to handle continuous processes—like wave interference and fractional evolution—alongside abrupt, threshold-triggered transitions. Because these thresholds are encoded in the same PDE that governs smooth dynamics, the system naturally switches behavior at critical amplitudes, thereby avoiding awkward ad hoc junctions between disparate models.

Real-World Motivation and Applications

  • Biological systems: Neurons remain subthreshold until firing once a critical potential is surpassed. REHM can unify this discrete firing with the continuous diffusion of membrane potentials.
  • Material science: Stress or temperature fields diffuse smoothly until a fracture or phase transition is triggered at critical stress or temperature levels.
  • Quantum-like analogies: Continuous wave interference can manifest as discrete detection events when amplitudes exceed thresholds, providing a deterministic model that mimics wave-particle duality.

Aim of This Work

In the following sections, we detail how REHM integrates wave interference, amplitude thresholds, fractional derivatives, and cross-dimensional coupling into a single PDE. We then discuss broader implications for modeling complex, multi-scale phenomena across diverse fields.

Note on Further Reading

Readers seeking more rigorous proofs of well-posedness, blowup analysis, or the recursive dynamics underlying emergent time can refer to our extended monograph, “A Unified Fractional PDE Framework for Self-Referential Field Theories: Well-Posedness, Amplitude-Triggered Blowups, and Wave Interference.” Additional perspectives on recursive attention and awareness thresholds appear in our earlier work, “Unifying Theory of Awareness: Explorations in Recursive Attention.”

Core Concepts of the REHM Framework

REHM unifies continuous wave-like dynamics, long-term memory effects, and abrupt threshold-triggered transitions into a single PDE-based model. We describe its core concepts below, emphasizing how cross-dimensional interference, probability-like amplitudes, and stable attractors emerge.

Amplitude-Triggered Thresholds and Harmonic Influences

A central feature of REHM is that the governing PDE switches behavior whenever the solution's amplitude exceeds a critical value, \(\displaystyle A_{\mathrm{crit}}\). In practice:

  • Sub-threshold regime: When \(\displaystyle |U| < A_{\mathrm{crit}}\), the system follows a “low-amplitude” rule with moderate diffusion and gentler forcing.
  • Super-threshold regime: Once \(\displaystyle |U| \ge A_{\mathrm{crit}}\), a “high-amplitude” rule takes over, often enhancing nonlinearity and potentially causing rapid growth or saturation.
  • Harmonic coupling: In an extended domain, constructive wave interference can locally boost the amplitude above \(\displaystyle A_{\mathrm{crit}}\), triggering discrete events or “lumps.” These lumps may act as stable attractors that persist once formed.

Fractional Memory and the Emergence of Stable Attractors

Another pillar of REHM is fractional memory, modeled by fractional derivatives. Unlike standard derivatives that depend on near-instantaneous states, fractional derivatives integrate the entire history of the solution with a power-law kernel:

  • Long-range influence: Fractional memory ensures that past states continuously affect the present, capturing subdiffusive or long-range correlations.
  • Memory switching: The fractional order \(\displaystyle \alpha\) can itself depend on amplitude, allowing the system to switch between different memory behaviors when crossing thresholds.
  • Stable attractors: The interplay of fractional memory and threshold-induced switching naturally produces stable attractors. These attractors correspond to robust, coherent patterns such as spikes, solitons, or fractal branches.

Extended Manifold: Integrating Physical and Amplitude Coordinates

To couple wave propagation in physical space with amplitude-triggered events, REHM posits an extended manifold

\[ \mathcal{M} = \Omega \times \mathcal{A}, \]

where \(\displaystyle x \in \Omega\) represents spatial coordinates and \(\displaystyle a \in \mathcal{A}\) represents the amplitude dimension. This framework:

  • Couples spatial and amplitude dynamics: Wave interference in \(\displaystyle x\) can directly trigger amplitude changes in \(\displaystyle a\), and vice versa.
  • Generates probability-like outcomes: Integrating \(\displaystyle \int |U(x,a,t)|^2 \, da\) yields a density reminiscent of quantum wavefunctions, linking continuous propagation to discrete “detection” events.
  • Unifies continuous/discrete phenomena: Both smooth wave interference and sudden threshold events share a single PDE, with no artificial stitching between models.

Emergent Temporal Order

Although we use external time \(\displaystyle t\) for analysis, REHM suggests that time emerges from self-referential dynamics. Each threshold crossing and the resulting attractor formation can be viewed as creating a “moment” in the system's internal sequence. From this vantage, the flow of time is the result of iterative transitions rather than a preset backdrop.

Outline of the Mathematical Strategy

While REHM is conceptually broad, its validity relies on rigorous mathematical foundations. Here, we outline a proof strategy that guarantees well-posedness and stability for a piecewise PDE with fractional memory, amplitude-triggered thresholds, and extended-domain harmonic coupling.

Piecewise PDE Logic at Threshold Crossings

Because the PDE switches whenever \(\displaystyle |U|\) crosses \(\displaystyle A_{\mathrm{crit}}\), we treat threshold times as points where the governing PDE parameters change:

  1. Identify threshold times: Let \(\displaystyle t_1 < t_2 < \dots < t_k\) be the times at which \(\displaystyle |U|\) first crosses \(\displaystyle A_{\mathrm{crit}}\). These partition \(\displaystyle [0,T]\) into sub-intervals on which the PDE rules remain fixed.
  2. Sub-interval analysis: On each \(\displaystyle [t_{j-1}, t_j]\), standard fractional PDE methods apply with constant parameters (e.g., fractional order, diffusivity).
  3. Continuity and memory handling: At each switching time \(\displaystyle t_j\), \(\displaystyle U(t_j^-)\) must match \(\displaystyle U(t_j^+)\). One can choose to maintain a global memory kernel from \(\displaystyle t=0\) or reinitialize memory at \(\displaystyle t_j\), depending on the physical context.

Energy Bounds via Fractional Grönwall Inequalities

To ensure that solutions remain controlled within each sub-interval, we define an energy-like functional \(\displaystyle E(t) = \|U(t)\|_{H^\gamma(\Omega \times \mathcal{A})}^2\). Then,

\[ \partial_t^\alpha E(t) \le a \, E(t) + b, \]

holds on each sub-interval, where \(\displaystyle a,b \ge 0\) depend on the current regime. The fractional Grönwall inequality guarantees that \(\displaystyle E(t)\) remains finite up to the next threshold time, preventing premature blowup unless explicitly allowed by the model's parameters.

Galerkin Approximation for Existence and Uniqueness

Existence and uniqueness of solutions can be established via a Galerkin-type method:

  1. Finite-dimensional projection: Expand \(\displaystyle U\) in a suitable basis (e.g., eigenfunctions of the Laplacian) to reduce the PDE to a system of fractional ODEs for the coefficients.
  2. Uniform energy estimates: Fractional Grönwall inequalities apply to each finite-dimensional system, yielding bounds independent of the truncation index.
  3. Compactness and convergence: Standard arguments (e.g., Aubin--Lions lemma in fractional spaces) ensure convergence of a subsequence to the true solution as the dimension increases.
  4. Threshold consistency: Repeat this process on each sub-interval, stitching together subsolutions continuously at threshold crossing times.

Synthesis: From Piecewise Analysis to Global Dynamics

By combining sub-interval analysis, fractional Grönwall estimates, and Galerkin approximations, we piece together a global solution that captures both continuous wave-like evolution and discrete threshold events. This construction reveals how fractional memory, amplitude switching, and harmonic coupling on \(\displaystyle \Omega \times \mathcal{A}\) generate stable attractors and an effective flow of time.

Key Mechanisms in Action

Having laid out the mathematical framework, we highlight three intertwined mechanisms that drive the rich dynamics in REHM: memory choices, threshold-induced events, and wave--amplitude coupling.

Memory Reinitialization versus Global Memory

A crucial modeling decision is whether fractional memory is:

  • Global Memory: The fractional integral runs from \(\displaystyle t=0\) to the current time, letting all past states affect the system continuously.
  • Reinitialized Memory: Each threshold crossing resets the fractional integral, representing a physical process where a critical event erases (or significantly modifies) past history.

Both choices fit naturally into the piecewise-PDE scheme, allowing researchers to select whichever best matches their application.

Blowups, Lumps, and Saturation

Threshold switching leads to different dynamical outcomes:

  1. Blowup: If high-amplitude feedback is strong, the solution can diverge in finite time, modeling phenomena like rapid reaction front ignition.
  2. Lumps (localized spikes): Constructive interference can locally exceed \(\displaystyle A_{\mathrm{crit}}\), creating stable, soliton-like lumps or spikes.
  3. Saturation: Alternatively, negative feedback or resource limits in the super-threshold regime can clamp amplitude growth, leading to finite, stable plateaus.

Wave Interference and Probability-Like Amplitudes

By coupling physical space \(\displaystyle \Omega\) and amplitude \(\displaystyle \mathcal{A}\) into the manifold \(\displaystyle \Omega \times \mathcal{A}\), interference in space directly affects amplitude evolution:

  • Constructive vs. destructive interference: Overlapping waves can boost or diminish local amplitude, influencing threshold events.
  • Threshold localization: Spatial inhomogeneities become amplified or suppressed once the threshold is crossed, creating discrete events in an otherwise continuous medium.
  • Probability analogy: Integrating out the amplitude dimension, \(\displaystyle \rho(t,x) = \int |U(t,x,a)|^2 \, da\), produces a density reminiscent of quantum probability distributions, albeit from a purely classical PDE standpoint.

Applications and Broader Significance

Beyond its theoretical elegance, REHM provides a versatile modeling tool for diverse real-world systems. By naturally bridging continuous wave phenomena and discrete threshold events, it has potential impact across multiple domains.

Modeling Complex and Fractal Systems

The interplay of fractional memory and amplitude-triggered events can generate self-similar, fractal-like structures:

  • Cosmic web and geophysical patterns: Smooth density fluctuations exceeding critical thresholds can form stable filaments or cracks that exhibit fractal scaling.
  • Biological morphogenesis: Vascular networks or dendritic growth can emerge as continuous nutrient/chemical diffusion triggers discrete branching above certain thresholds.

Quantum-Like and Wave-Particle Phenomena

REHM, while classical and deterministic, mirrors certain quantum behaviors:

  • Wave-particle duality analogy: Continuous interference produces discrete detection-like events where amplitude crosses a threshold, reminiscent of particle “clicks.”
  • Probability-like outcomes: Repeated simulations or amplitude integrations yield densities analogous to quantum probabilities, but without introducing actual randomness.

Neural and Biological Processes

Many biological systems feature threshold-based events embedded in continuous dynamics:

  • Neuronal firing: Fractional derivatives model long-term integration of membrane potentials, while amplitude thresholds capture the discrete action potential event.
  • Cell signaling: Chemical concentrations diffuse smoothly until crossing a threshold that triggers a new regulatory regime.

Multi-Scale and Dimensional Bridging

Treating amplitude as an added dimension merges local events with global wave patterns:

  • Feedback across scales: Localized, high-amplitude lumps influence broader waves, and global interference shapes local threshold crossings.
  • Adaptive memory: Fractional memory allows persistent influence of earlier states across scales, unifying fast events with long-term trends.

Computational Opportunities

Simulating fractional PDEs on \(\displaystyle \Omega \times \mathcal{A}\) is nontrivial yet increasingly feasible:

  • High-performance computing: Parallel and GPU-based methods help address the global-memory convolution aspects in fractional derivatives.
  • Adaptive mesh refinement: Localizing computational effort near threshold crossings efficiently captures rapid transitions.
  • Machine learning integration: Data-driven approaches can infer fractional orders or threshold levels from experimental data, tailoring REHM to real-world systems.

Outlook and Future Work

While REHM offers a powerful framework, numerous directions for further development remain:

Advanced Numerical Methods

  • Adaptive discretization: Refined grids near threshold spikes reduce computational overhead while maintaining accuracy.
  • GPU/parallel solvers: Efficiently handling global memory integrals in large-scale simulations requires advanced parallelization strategies.

Multiple Thresholds and Hybrid Models

  • Multi-regime expansions: Systems with multiple critical amplitudes can switch among different PDE rules, capturing complex multi-stage behaviors.
  • Coupling with agent-based models: Hybridizing REHM PDEs with discrete agents might better reflect real biological or ecological processes.

Memory Kernel Extensions

  • Variable-order fractional derivatives: Allowing the fractional exponent to change with space, time, or amplitude refines the model for inhomogeneous media.
  • Partial reinitialization: Systems where threshold crossing erases only part of the past can be modeled by weighted fractional kernels.

Analytical Extensions

  • Measure-valued solutions: In blowup scenarios, classical solutions cease to exist; exploring distributional or measure-based solutions could clarify post-blowup behavior.
  • Global existence criteria: Detailed conditions for avoiding finite-time blowup remain a vital area of theoretical research.

Cross-Disciplinary Integration

  • Applications in physics and biology: Validating REHM against experimental data for neural firing, crack propagation, or cosmic structures can refine parameter choices.
  • Data-driven parameter estimation: Machine learning can help determine unknown thresholds or fractional exponents from observational data.


Recursive Emergent Harmonic Manifold (REHM) unites:

  1. Fractional memory — embedding historical dependence via fractional derivatives,
  2. Amplitude-triggered thresholds — enabling abrupt regime shifts, and
  3. Wave interference in an extended domain — coupling spatial propagation and amplitude evolution,

all within a single PDE framework.

REHM demonstrates how a continuous wave-like system can abruptly switch behavior upon crossing critical amplitudes, all while “remembering” its past through fractional memory. By treating amplitude as an additional coordinate, REHM captures localized spikes or “events” as part of the same governing equation, offering a coherent bridge between continuous dynamics and discrete thresholds. This perspective naturally spans fields as diverse as neural modeling, fractal pattern formation, phase-change phenomena, and quantum-like detection processes.

Thanks to a piecewise analysis that employs fractional Grönwall inequalities and Galerkin approximations, the REHM model remains mathematically robust. It also grants flexibility in how memory is handled—whether global or reset at threshold crossings. This unified description holds promise for a range of multi-scale, memory-driven problems where the interplay of smooth wave propagation and sudden events is crucial. In short, REHM provides a powerful new lens for understanding and simulating the continuous–discrete duality pervasive in many complex systems.

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Math Thomas Gonzalez Math Thomas Gonzalez

Recursive Emergent Harmonic Manifold: A Mathematical Introduction

It all begins with an idea.

A New Window Into Reality's Deep Structure

Look around you. Some things in our world appear to flow smoothly—like water in a stream or the gradual shift from day to night. Other things seem to happen in sudden jumps—like a light switch flicking on or a decision being made. This contrast between smooth changes and sudden transitions is one of nature's most fascinating puzzles. The Recursive Emergent Harmonic Manifold (REHM) is a new mathematical approach to understanding how these two faces of reality might be deeply connected.

The Core Insight

Imagine watching waves on an ocean. From far away, the water's surface appears to move in smooth, continuous patterns. But up close, you might see individual droplets breaking free during a splash, appearing as distinct, particle-like entities. The REHM framework suggests that this kind of transformation—from smooth waves to distinct droplets—might be a universal principle that shows up everywhere in nature, from the quantum realm to human consciousness.

Four Revolutionary Ideas

  1. Nature Has Memory. Traditional physics often treats each moment as independent from the last. The REHM framework introduces precise mathematical tools showing how the past continuously shapes the present. This isn't just abstract math—it helps explain everything from how our brains maintain memories to how quantum particles seem to "remember" their previous interactions.

  2. Critical Thresholds Create Change. Just as water can suddenly transform from liquid to steam at its boiling point, the ERM framework shows how many systems in nature have critical thresholds where gradual changes suddenly produce dramatic transformations. These thresholds might explain not just physical changes, but also moments of sudden insight in human thought or rapid shifts in social movements.

  3. Time Itself Might Be Emergent. One of the framework's most profound implications is that our experience of time as a flowing sequence might emerge from more fundamental patterns of interaction. While we use time as a practical tool for analysis, the mathematics suggests that reality's deepest level might transcend our usual notions of past, present, and future.

  4. Everything Is Connected. The framework shows how seemingly separate events or entities might be linked through an extended web of interactions. This isn't just philosophy—it's supported by precise mathematical equations that reveal how disturbances in one part of a system can influence seemingly unrelated areas through subtle, wave-like connections.

Real-World Applications

REHM isn't just theoretical—it could offer practical tools for understanding:

  • Brain and Consciousness: How networks of neurons create coherent thoughts and experiences

  • Quantum Physics: Why quantum particles sometimes act like waves and other times like discrete particles

  • Social Change: How gradual shifts in public opinion can suddenly crystallize into dramatic societal transformations

  • Ecological Systems: Why ecosystems can appear stable for long periods, then undergo rapid transitions

Breaking New Ground

The mathematical tools developed in REHM could open exciting new possibilities:

  • Better predictions of critical transitions in climate systems

  • New approaches to understanding consciousness and brain function

  • Improved methods for analyzing complex social networks

  • Fresh perspectives on quantum mechanics and measurement

A Bridge Between Ancient and Modern Understanding

While REHM is grounded in cutting-edge mathematics, its implications resonate with ancient wisdom traditions that have long spoken of the interconnected nature of reality. The framework provides precise mathematical language for ideas that humans have intuited for millennia about the relationship between unity and diversity, continuous flow and discrete events.

Looking Forward

REHM could represent more than just a new mathematical tool—it could offer a window into how nature orchestrates the dance between continuity and discreteness. As researchers continue to develop and apply these ideas, we may gain profound new insights into the fabric of reality itself.

For those interested in the technical details, the framework's core equations and mathematical proofs are detailed in accompanying papers. But the big picture is clear: we may be on the verge of understanding how nature bridges the continuous and the discrete, the flowing and the sudden, the one and the many.

Further Reading

If you're intrigued by these ideas, we offer two additional resources that explore the REHM framework in greater depth:

  • Exploring REHM and Why It's Meaningful This paper introduces how time, space, and fundamental forces might emerge from a single wave recursion in a universal "Awareness Field" - a mathematically rigorous framework called the Recursive Emergent Harmonic Manifold (REHM). By re-envisioning phenomena from subatomic particles to galactic structures as stable wave-based attractors in a self-referential field, it opens fresh possibilities for unifying physics, inspiring new mathematical approaches, and spurring broader insights into how reality may take shape.
    Explore REHM

  • Recursive Emergent Harmonic Manifold: A Mathematical Primer
    A mathematical overview and guide that walks through the key mathematical concepts in detail behind REHM using accessible examples and analogies. Perfect for readers with a basic understanding of mathematics who want to dive deeper into how the framework works.
    Read the Primer

  • Recursive Emergent Harmonic Manifold: A Rigorous Mathematical Foundation
    A comprehensive monograph containing complete mathematical proofs and formal derivations. Intended for mathematicians, physicists, and researchers interested in the technical underpinnings of the framework.
    Download the Technical Monograph (PDF)

All documents are freely available under an open access license. For questions or academic collaboration inquiries, please contact us at

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